Discussion page about Slackware's network configuration

Hi folks, please use this page to add your thoughts, feedback, criticism and corrections about the Wiki article.
The text is not finished yet and I want to spend some more time on it in the near future. For now, it is complete enough to help people in getting their network working.

(Thu Sep 11 15:07:45 UTC 2008) Eric Hameleers

In the Restarting a Network section, the command references all have a “.” instead of a “/” in them after “rc.d”.
/etc/rc.d.rc.inet1 should be /etc/rc.d/rc.inet1
Donnie Pennington

Indeed Donnie, thanks for noticing and reporting! They must be copy/paste errors… I've fixed it now.

(Sat Dec 12 15:07:57 UTC 2009) Eric Hameleers

In seven places, the word “it's” should be replaced by the word “its”. The difference between “it's” and “its” seems no longer to be taught in schools, but it is this: “it's” is simply an abbreviation of “it is”, which is an elementary grammatical error in those seven places. The word “its” on the other hand is a possessive pronoun meaning “of it” or “pertaining to it”. But it should be said that if one is able to overlook the grammatical quagmire the page is very informative and useful.

(7th January 2011) Sydney Grew