====== Discuss installation of Slackware ====== Please add your comments and thoughts about setting up Slackware. ================================================================= ==== Sound on startup ==== > Hey alien. I recently installed Slackware, and I find that I have to open alsamixer on startup and manually increase the sound of my computer. Is there any way to circumvent this, ie, have it done automatically? I also thought this would be a good place to write down all the stuff people can do to have Slackware working right off the bat. [[http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/member.php?u=409251|Jerrymander]] Hi Jerry If you have to change the audio settings, and you want to keep these changes across reboots, you will have to run alsactl store before rebooting.\\ --- Eric >Thanks! [[http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/member.php?u=409251|Jerrymander]] =================================================================